Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What Happened to Alan Dershowitz?

I've been annoyed by Alan Dershowitz's knee jerk defense of all things Israeli for the last few years, but I've generally chalked it up to the sclerotic effects of aging upon a once supple mind. But today's sophomoric Huffington Post piece on the IDF flotilla raid earns the booby prize for nationalistic preening. If I'd turned in such a conclusory piece of legal reasoning to a partner at my firm I'd get the ax. A summer associate is capable of better reasoning. Talk about black and white thinking. The Law of the Sea is nowhere near as simplistic as Dershowitz makes it out to be. No lawyer worthy of the name makes such bald conclusions regarding the legality of something as complicated as the IDF's seizure of the Gaza Flotilla on the High Seas. I don't purport to be any expert on the issue, but I certainly wouldn't write a hack piece like Dershowitz's without doing at least a bit of legal research. No one has ever cited Dershowitz as an expert in admiralty jurisdiction, but his pomposity blinds him to his ignorance of the subject matter. For a different take on the legality of the IDF's actions, and some interesting debate in the commentary, check out this link.