Sunday, September 21, 2008
Show Me the Money
A $700 billion dollar bailout request from the executive branch sketched out on a couple of pieces of paper? Carte Blanche to spend as they see fit, with no oversight or judicial review? Ain't gonna happen, not with their fiscal record. And if we're talking about putting out my tax dollars to pay for some one else's fuck up, then I want an equity stake in whatever toxic sludge laden financial institution my tax money is bailing out. That way if any of these firms recover from this deregulated disaster we get our money back, maybe even with a return. It's the capitalist way. Let's not abandon it now that our system has failed us. And as for the panic ridden who want to rush a bailout bill through with little consideration, they're just going to have to wait a moment for cooler heads to prevail. Lack of foresight got us into this mess, and it certainly won't get us out of it.