Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Cry Havoc, and Release Henry Waxman!
Like a shark in the water I smell blood looking at the latest presidential polls. The deal ain't sealed until the electorate speaks, but things look good for Obama right now. I trust him to be restrained to our adversaries if he wins the election, but emotionally I need some payback after all the smack the other side has talked the last eight years. I need some smackdown to demonstrate to the arrogant why arrogance is such a bad move in the first place: You are either with us or against us. Mission Accomplished. John Ashcroft. John Roberts. Samuel Alito. Guantanamo Bay. Iraq. Torture. Faith Based Initiatives. Valerie Palme. Karl Rove. Dick Cheney. Donald Rumsfeld. John Bolton. Tom Delay. Half a trillion dollar budget deficit. Deregulation of Derivatives Leading to the Financial Crisis. Decline in real wages. Negotiating is for pussies war is for real. The list goes on. How are you sleeping Karl Rove? Probably in a fat bed paid for by your spoils. Don't get too comfortable.