Yet a major critique by theists of atheism is that it leads to materialism. Ignoring for a moment that this doesn't logically follow because I can easily think of a couple of non-materialist philosophies that are consistent with atheism such as solipsism or Cartesian dualism, my response is essentially that the pot is calling the kettle black here. Religion is the ultimate form of materialism. That's why its so obsessed with controlling matters on earth. Why, if we are alive but a fleeting moment in relation to the eternity of heavenly reward promised true believers, are so many true believers fanatical about controlling those who do not share their beliefs? After all, according to the dominate religion in my part of the world, I'm going to burn in agony forever once I die because I'm an unbeliever.
I think the answer is a simple one: what the true believer is really trying to advance is their own material interest under the guise of some ethereal moral order that conveniently meets their earthly interests. This is why religion is also a form of hypocrisy. It cloaks its real concerns under an unverifiable, unquestionable, amorphous absolute that advances its material goals. It says it hates materialism when really that's the name of its game.
Finally, just what exactly is wrong with materialism? It feeds my family and adds value to my community as I pay my taxes, contribute to charity, improve my property and the like. Spiritualism feeds no one and is open to attack as a form of self indulgent hedonistic solipsism. And don't even get me started on the intellectual vacuity of the view that without God there is no morality, spirituality or "meaning." But that's another discussion.